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times on our own

Leafs falling from the tree, pale, frail, brittle
Recovering from the scheme, hair fallen riddle.
Weak, tired, trying to wish in an empty well
The best of me keeps going with ripples of echoes past
While piles upon miles of tarnished thrown out trash
Why is it unaffordable, not amounting to ones cash?
 Turning cheeks for the quickest lies to runaway from joyful cries
Until the road has turned to rubble where earth is near with final dear
No language taints the ultimate for negative is disappear
Depending on my senses where my senses deepen without address
So face the ultimatums pain for cold will linger life in vein
Put together shattered broke drowning tides with heavy stroke
Memorize the way I held you like my writing in a note
Backboned twigs prepare for winter with winds that rain until they sting
Before the sleep is over with, give blessed wings that nest to sing.

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